Student achievements

International Olympiad "NetDay"

International conference "IT FEST 2023"
3rd year students with the head of marketing of the Yandex Dialogs platform Dmitry Olegovich Sitdikov

"6B06101 Akparattyk juyeler" bilim bagdarlamasynyn 3rd year student Bekibaev
Atabek Aktau kalasynda otken taekwondodan
Kazakhstan Respublikasynyn XII Zhazgy universiadasynda 3 oryn aldy.

 Students of our faculty took 2nd place in the festival “Kun men Ai”

"ATU mini" command

Students of our faculty who participated in the city competition "Teaching of Shakarim, Magzhan, Sultanmahmut"

"Best student of ATU 2024"
4th year student of the educational program 6B07104 -Robots and robotic systems Turebayev Rauan Kairatuly

"Best student of ATU 2024"
3rd year student of the educational program 6B07103 - Automation and control Baykhanov Nurdaulet Nurlanuly

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from 8:30 to 17:30