Scientific activity

The faculty members of the department actively participate in international and national scientific events, facilitating experience exchange and the advancement of relevant research. In 2023-2024 academic year, they presented their scientific works at various conferences and seminars, including:

  • 16th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems (ACIIDS 2024) (April 15-18, 2024, online, Ras Al Khaimah, UAE) – Participant: Qurmetsqan T.
  • International Conference on "Artificial Intelligence in Engineering and Technological Education" (AIETE-2024) (February 28-29, 2024, Almaty) – Participant: Qurmetsqan T.
  • International Scientific and Practical Conference on "Innovative Development of the Food and Light Industries" (October 26, 2023) – Participant: Kalabina A.A.
  • Republican Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists "Science. Education. Youth" (April 25, 2024, Almaty) – Participants: Kalabina A.A., Rustemov T.M.
  • International Conference on "Integration of Artificial Intelligence into the Educational Process in the Era of Global Digitalization" (April 5, 2024, Almaty) – Participant: Ogan A.
  • VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference on "Informatics and Applied Mathematics" (October 26-27, 2023, Almaty) – Participant: Tyulepberdinova G.A.

In total, 32 scientific works were published during the reporting period, including one article in Scopus, 2 foreign articles, 10 articles in The Committee for Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education under the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 9 foreign theses, and other publications. This includes one textbook, a patent, and four author certificates.

In the field of invention, the department has achieved significant success. For instance, a patent for the utility model "Architecture of a Patient Monitoring System" was obtained, with co-authors including Tyulepberdinova G.A. Author certificates have also been issued for several software products, including:

  1. "Guidelines and Materials for Independent Student Work" (Kalabina A.A.)
  2. "Solution to the Heat Conduction Equation of a Cylindrical Rod" (Mazakov T.Zh.; Dosanalieva A.T.; Mailybaeva A.D.)
  3. "Software for Route Construction for Urgent Cargo Delivery" (Mazakov T.Zh.; Dosanalieva A.T.; Jomartova Sh.A.; Mailybaeva A.D.; Ziyatbekova G.Z.; Mazakova A.T.; Aliaskar M.S.; Sametova A.A.)
  4. "Software for Route Construction for Employee Evacuation from Buildings in Emergencies" (Mazakov T.Zh.; Burgegulov A.D.; Jomartova Sh.A.; Toykenov G.Ch.; Mailybaeva A.D.; Ziyatbekova G.Z.; Mazakova A.T.; Aliaskar M.S.; Sametova A.A.; Dosanalieva A.T.)

Young scientists of the department are also actively developing their skills by taking advanced training courses and publishing articles. During the reporting period, two articles and two abstracts were published, which underlines their commitment to scientific growth and development in the field of applied sciences.

Scientific activity not only contributes to the professional development of employees, but also strengthens scientific ties, expands research horizons and introduces innovative solutions into practice.

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