Department of Economics and Management

Заведующая кафедрой

Саханова Гаухар Бахытовна

PhD, ассоциированный профессор

8 (727) 296-71-33 (вн. 122)


The Department of Economics and Management as a structural unit of the Almaty Technological University has been functioning since the beginning of 1976.

The main purpose of the department is to provide professional training of highly qualified specialists for the real sector of the economy, public authorities; the formation of basic competencies, knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of economics, management, state and local government.

The Department of Economics and Management is staffed with highly qualified personnel with extensive teaching experience and work experience. The department employs a highly professional, creative, well-coordinated teaching staff, organically combining educational and research activities.

Currently, the department is headed by PhD, associate Professor Sakhanova Gaukhar Bakhytovna.

Graduates of the Department of "EiM" work in various sectors of the economy of Kazakhstan: in the real sector of the economy, the financial and banking system, the civil service, higher educational institutions, leading enterprises of the light and food industries.


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