Department of “Technology and design of products and goods”

Head of Department

Talgatbekova Akmarzhan Zhenisbekovna

The department of “Technology and Design of Light Industry Products” began training engineering personnel in the Republic of Kazakhstan light industry in 1987 on the basis of the Almaty branch of the Dzhambul Technological Institute of Light and Food Industry.

Participated in the creation of departments were leading experts and scientists of technology and design of light industry products, graduates leading universities: Moscow Technological Institute of Light Industry, Leningrad Institute of Textile and Light Industry, Kiev Technological Institute of Light Industry, Ivanovo Textile Institute, Dzhambul Technological Institute of Light and Food Industry. Among them: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Ryskulova Bakhyt Ryskulovna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Nurzhasarova Mayra Abdrakhmanovna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Zhilisbaeva Raushan Orazovna, Associate Professors Mynbaev Murat Taykeltirovich, Ualiev Kahar Matmusaevich, Dzhakparova Raisa Satkulovna, Khromtsov Sergey Vladimirovich.

Currently, the educational process is provided by highly qualified pedagogical staff of the department - leading scientists and specialists with extensive scientific, pedagogical and practical experience: 2 Doctors of Technical Sciences, 6 Candidates of Technical Sciences, 1 PhD Doctor, 10 Masters of Technical Sciences.

The department devotes great attention to the development of the professional level of teaching staff.

Pedagogical staff of the department annually conduct advanced training courses and scientific internships at partner universities and research institutes in the far abroad (Italy, England, Portugal, Germany, Bulgaria, Hungary, Czech Republic, China, South Korea, Turkey) and near abroad (Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Russian Federation, Tatarstan, Ukraine, Lithuania), industrial internships at leading light industry enterprises, participation in scientific and methodological seminars and conferences, exhibitions and other events.

Foreign teachers and manufacturers are involved in teaching students, master's and doctoral students.


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