International cooperation

Currently established  business contacts with Central-Asian Association on Business Dialogue and with St.Petersburg Pedagogical University named after I.A.Herzen, with Technical University, Kaunas, Lithuania, as well as leading universities in Germany, with international organizations as DAAD, Goethe Institute, British Council in the sphere of exchange of experience of teaching foreign languages and participation in scientific-practical and scientific-methodical conferences. The primary goals of this cooperation are expanding international experience on business communication, development of contacts and elaboration of scientific projects in the field of didactics and methodology. The Department plays an important role in the development of the international activities of ATU with world leading universities, aimed at entering the university in the global educational and scientific and technical information space.

Since September 2014-2015 academic year the department has been offering classes on professionally-oriented foreign language for students of the faculties "Design, Textile and Clothing Technology", "Food Technology" by representatives of DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Jana Böhm and Pauline Zitzer (2014-2016), Florian Tuck (2016-2019), Thorsten Kesler (2019-2021), Katrin Compe (2021-2023), Anna Hess (2024-2025).

Young teachers of the department Koilybaeva R.K., Dzhakipova Larisa passed three-month scientific and methodological internship on the international program "Bolashak" in Elliott School of International Affairs George Washington University and in Finland on the program "Bolashak". Associate professors of the department Aukhadieva Z.J., Egemberdieva G.M. took part in the works of the methodical seminar "Professionally-oriented German language. Methodology/didactics of foreign language teaching" in Germany and the International Congress of Foreign Language Teachers in Italy.

Today the activity of the department of "State and Foreign Languages" is aimed at further development and introduction of innovative methods and digital technology in the educational process of language teaching, development of teaching aids, professionally-oriented dictionaries, collections of texts on the OP of Almaty Technological University in the aspect of language application as a means of intercultural communication, expansion and strengthening of international relations.

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