
Teachers of the department have published a number of scientific articles, monographies, textbooks and teaching aids on actual problems of language teaching: Kulazhanov K.S., Bekturov S.K., Bopishev V. S. «Kazakh for food industry and household service specialists», Sagimova A.S., Aukhadieva Z.Zh. «Kazakh С1-2», Esenova E.M., Jakipova L.S.

Teachers implement innovative methods of teaching in the educational process in accordance with modern technologies and transition to the credit system of education. Collective scientific-methodical and copyrighted works of teachers of the department are assigned for both classroom and independent work of students. They are: Ergazieva N.I., Nizamova M.N., Eseteva A.T. «Teaching materials on the practical course of the Russian language for students studying on credit technology», Zhakipova M.N., Saparova A.A. «Professional Russian Language», Aukhadieva Z.Zh., Sagimova A.S. «Professional Kazakh for Еconomics», Marinova N.I., Yezhenova A.A. «Professionally-oriented English», Aukhadieva Z.Zh. «Business Kazakh», Yegemberdieva G.M. «Deutsch für den Beruf», Yesenova E.M. «Grammar of the English», Besschetnova L.V. «Russian В2», Smagulova Sh.K., Almatova N.A. "Professional Russian", Nizamova M.N., Nurpeisova G.M., Tekeyeva G.K. "Professional Russian".

Today, the activity of the Department of State and Foreign Languages is aimed to the further development and introduction of innovative methods of language teaching in educational process, elaboration of teaching aids, professionally-oriented dictionaries and collections of texts on specialties of Almaty Technological University in the aspect of language use as a means of intercultural communication, expansion and strengthening of international cooperation with the purpose of exchange of experience in teaching and improving the preparation of future specialists.

In the 2022-2023 academic year, almost 90% of the faculty members of the department took professional development courses. Teachers are interested in improving their own scientific and professional competence. In addition, the acquired knowledge and skills are reflected in the scientific research of the teachers and in their research work with students. The information mastered by the teachers about modern innovative approaches to the process of education allows to optimize the process of professional education of students in the technological university taking into account their future specialty. Especially fruitful were the seminar-trainings on the following topics: "Improvement of foreign language teaching methodology" (09.0-16.01.23), "Application of digital technology in language teaching” (04.01-14,01. 2023)", "Online - teacher: methods and tools of effective online learning (23.01-02.02.2023)", organized by leading teachers of foreign language of Al Farabi KazNU and Abylai Khan KazUMO and IMYA. Abylai Khan from 30.05. to 07.06.2022. During these courses, teachers of the department learned the use of digital educational technologies, gamification of podcasts, Chatbots in language teaching, the development of "soft competencies" in students, the introduction of CLIL in the classroom, the use of blended learning in higher education, as well as the effective conduct of online classes, which are information sources in digital form, which will be successful in the future.


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