Academic activities

Teachers and staff of the department “Food Safety and Quality” work within the framework of the initiative topic:

Development of technologies, research into the quality and safety of processing food raw materials and food systems. Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. Uazhanova R.U., heads of subsections Azimova S.T., Zheldybaeva A.A., Iztelieva R.A., Tungyshbaeva U.O., Tattibaeva D.B.

Based on the results of research work in the direction of Technology Development, research into the quality and safety of processing food raw materials and food systems, master's theses and doctoral theses were defended: Kazhymurat A.T. (2022), Tyutebaeva K.E., Shalgimbayev D.A. (2023). Also, within the framework of the initiative topic, doctoral students Ibraimova S.E., Serikbaeva A.N., Kurmanbaeva I.N., Akhmet Zh.R., Manap K.R. are completing their doctoral dissertation.

The department actively participates in innovative and scientific projects (Azimova S.T., Serikkyzy M.S., Uazhanova R.U., Tungyshbaeva U.O., Belozertseva O.M., Kazhymurat A.T.).

The department is a member of the technical committee No. 67 Technologies and food products of the new generation.

For the reporting academic year, the period 2022-2023 academic year. g., the staff of the department published 76 works: including 4 textbooks, 1 monograph, 28 articles (Scopus - 7, Scopus/Clarivate Analytics - 4, KOKSNVO MNIVO RK - 8, in foreign publications, including RSCI - 9), 28 abstracts at conferences (abroad - 7, MNPK - 17, within the Republic of Kazakhstan - 4), a total of 15 security documents were received and submitted, of which (2 Eurasian patents for invention, 4 patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 9 copyright certificates).

Students-winners at conferences, Olympiads in Kazakhstan and CIS countries

The name of the conference, competition, exhibition, scientific Olympiads, etc.



Full name of participants, course, group



International competition of professional presentations for students, teachers and professionals on the topic "Professional Science"

Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.


Head: Zheldybaeva A.A.

1. Dautova Azhar

2. Koilibayeva Akerke

3. Matniyazova Sahidam

3rd place

International competition of professional presentations for students, teachers and professionals on the topic "Professional Science"

Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.


Head: Zheldybaeva A.A.

1. Ermekova Ayaulym

2nd place

International competition of professional presentations for students, teachers and professionals on the topic "Professional Science"

Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.


Head: Zeldybayeva A.A.

1. Kasymzhanova Zeynep

1st place

International competition of research projects

Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.


Head: Zheldybaeva A.A.

1. Dautova Azhar

3rd place

International competition of research projects

Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.


1. Kasymzhanova Zeynep

3rd place

International R&D Black sea science 2023

Odessa, Ukraine


Head: Uazhanova R.U.

1. Danko G.

2. Kurtibaeva G.

3rd place

International Research Competition


Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation


Head: Azimova S.T.

1.Sagizova A.,

2.Embergenova Zh.

Diploma of the 1st degree



Startup projects. In the 2022-2023 academic year, students and undergraduates completed startup projects.  Active work is underway among 6 students to participate in a startup project in 2023-2024 through funding from the organization.

Name of topics «Start-Up ATU»


of the start-up team

Business partner

Completed work in the amount of


«Creation of organoleptic profiles and confirmation of the correspondence of sensory indicators on the example of aromatic tea»

Uazhanova R.U., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Tolegenova M.S., 4th year student, Mamirova Sh.T., 1st year undergraduate

Alibi LLP

150 000


Development of elements of the plan for the development of critical control points for the production of meat products of Kargaly Foods LLP"

Iztelieva R.A., PhD, assoc.professor, Uzibekova A.K., 4th year student, Tokenova G., 1st year undergraduate

«Kargaly Foods» LLP

150 000


"Application of statistical methods of quality management to improve the technological process of grain crops"

Tattibaeva D.B., PhD, senior lecturer, Kulmukhanova I., 4th year student, Sarken Z., 1st year student

IP «Virtus group»

150 000


"Improving the quality and safety control system of food dyes in the confectionery industry"

Zheldybaeva A. A., Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Assoc.professor, Ermekova A. Sh., 4th year student, Mamirova A.T., 1st year undergraduate


150 000


"Development of elements of the plan of risk analysis and critical control points for the production of semi-finished meat products"

Amanova Sh.S., PhD, senior lecturer Zhailybaeva A.K., 4th year student, Amirgalinova A., 3rd year student

«Kargaly Foods» LLP

150 000


"Development and evaluation of the existing quality management system at the enterprise of IP Virtus Group"

Tungyshbaeva U.O., PhD, assoc.professor, A.E. Kumisbekova, 4th year student, A.E. Uraltai, 3rd year student


150 000


"Development of elements of the quality management system at Kazpectin LLP in the production of pectin from vegetable raw materials"

S.T. Asimova, PhD, assoc.professor, Sagizova A. G., 4th year student, Matniazova S.A., 2nd year student

«Kazpectin» LLP

200 000


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