About the department

The department provides training in the 3-level Bachelor's – Master's — Doctoral degree system in accordance with the regulatory documents of the Republic of Kazakhstan, taking into account the principles of the Bologna process and standards for accreditation of engineering programs within the framework of the EUR-ACE project (European Accredited Engineer – European Accredited engineer).

Bachelor's degree

EP 6B07201 «Technology of food products»

Training trajectories EP 6B07201:


«Technology of public catering and special purpose products»
«Technology of meat and fish products»
«Technology of milk and dairy products»
«Technology of canned food and food concentrates»

Master's degree


EP 7M07201 «Technology of food products (scientific and pedagogical direction)»
EP 7M07201 «Technology of food products (core area)»

PhD program 

EP 8D07201 «Technology of food products»

Bachelor's degree 

EP B068 – Food production – «Food technology»

Bachelor's degree 

EP B078 – Animal husbandry – «Technology of production of animal products»

Bachelor's degree


EP B068 - Food production – «Technology and technology of food production»


In 2012, the bachelor's degree program «Food Technology» was internationally accredited, in 2017 it was re-accredited by the ASIIN Agency (Germany) with the right to award the «Euro-engineer» (EUR-ACE®) badge.

In 2017, the Master's and doctoral degree programs in Food Technology were internationally accredited by the ASIIN Agency (Germany).

In the ratings of National agencies («Independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance in Education» and «National Agency for Accreditation and Rating»), bachelor's, master's and doctoral degree programs «Food Technology» annually occupy the first places.

In 2020, among the universities participating in the NAAR rating, the group of educational programs of ATU B068 Food production took 1st place!

In 2022, the group of educational programs of ATU B068 Food Production entered the «TOP 10» educational programs of the Institutional ranking of universities!

According to the results of the rating among the departments of ATU, the Department of Food Technology occupies a leading position.

The scientists of the department successfully combine the training of specialists in food technology with conducting scientific research and training scientific and pedagogical personnel.

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