Department of «Information Systems»

Заведующая кафедрой

Маликова Феруза Умирзаховна

PhD доктор

8 (727) 396-71-33 (вн. 128, 129)


The Department of Information Systems is one of the oldest and at the same time the youngest in the faculty. Despite the approval of its modern name only in 2012, the history of the staff and scientific tradition of the department begins in 1989. Its first name is “Automation and Computer Science”, Almaty branch of the Dzhambul Institute of Light Industry. The head of the department was Ph.D. Bekbaev A.B.

In 1996, the department changed its name to “Computer Science and Applied Mathematics” of the Almaty Technological Institute; since 1999, the department functioned on the basis of ATU CJSC, the department was headed by Ph.D. Kashibaev K.B. Over the years, the department was headed by Ph.D., Vinnitskaya M.A., Ph.D. Makhmutov S.M.

Since 2002, the department again changed its name to “Automation and Informatics”, the head of the department was B.D. Dauletbakov , then Doctor of Technical Sciences. Sinchev B.K.

Since 2003, the new name is “Computer Science and Applied Mathematics”, 2004 – “Information Systems”, 2010 – “Computer Science and Information Systems”. From 2012 to this day, the department is called “Information Technologies”.

From 2012 to 2016, the department was headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences. Zaurbekov N.S. Then she supervised the work of the department.

Currently , since November 2019, the head of the department is assoc ., professor, PhD-doctor, holder of the title “Best Teacher 2018” Malikova F.U.


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