Scientific activity

Teachers of the department are actively engaged in research work. They develop and implement modern complex diagnostic technologies in the educational process. Scientific research work of the teaching staff of the department «Physical Education» is carried out within the framework of initiative research work:

Name of scientific research work: «Self-organisation of students of technical university as a factor of increase of physical activity».
Supervisor: Mashkova V.L.
Executors: Abilkhan N.B., Tryshyna A.Yu., Talgatuly A.

The researches by pedagogical observation, pedagogical experiment was carried out. The forms of physical education on the basis of interrelation of educational, extracurricular and independent processes in the following organisational and pedagogical blocks of increase of physical activity of students in higher education institution are developed, systematised and integrated.

The pedagogical model of consecutive implementation of organisational and pedagogical blocks of increasing the physical activity of students in the process of studying at a higher education institution is developed, where the educational and recreational block is implemented in the first half of the day; sports and mass in the second half of the day, at weekends; individual and independent on holidays and at home.

Scientific and practical value of the results and their application: improving the health of students of technical universities, increasing physical activity, creating conditions and prerequisites for effective educational and professional activities, skills of self-development and self-improvement.

The professorial and teaching staff of the department take part in International scientific-practical conferences, are published in scientific journals.

The topics of reports and scientific papers are actual problems and innovative methods in physical culture and sport.

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