Practice and employment

In accordance with the Rules for organizing the educational process in credit technology of education (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 20, 2011, No. 152), with the Rules for organizing and conducting professional practice and the rules for determining organizations as practice bases (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 29, 2016 ., No. 107) and the Regulations on Professional Practice (ATU-PPD-4.2.3-2012-02) the following types of professional practice are organized for students in the EP specialty - T&PTM, as well as in other areas of the department "TTP":

  • undergraduate practice
  • educational practice
  • Internship

To organize internships for students, the department uses the following textile industry enterprises and specialized laboratories:

  • Textile Group Kazakhstan LLP (Almaty)
  • Hosiery factory "PERI" LLP (Almaty)
  • AzalaTextile LLP (Shymkent)
  • LLP "AHBK-Kargaly" (Almaty)
  • Knitting factory Altex LLP (Almaty)
  • LLP "Universal-Reklama" (Almaty)
  • Tex LLP, (Almaty)
  • ATU, TM coloring laboratory
  • ATU, knitwear design laboratory
  • ATU, Research Institute of PLP / Research Laboratory of TBTM

To employ graduates, the department participates in organizing and holding a job fair. Traditionally, students undergo internships at textile industry enterprises both in Almaty and in such regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan as South Kazakhstan and Zhambyl regions.

Places of distribution of graduates are such enterprises where students undergo practical training (Altex Factory, branch of AKHBK-Kargaly LLP, Almaty). In 2011, a memorandum was concluded to promote professional practice and employment of graduates with the Directorate of the special economic zone “Ontustik”, on the territory of which new factories for the production of yarn, fabrics and finished garments and knitwear are being built.

The department maintains close scientific and practical cooperation in organizing student internships and attracting highly qualified production specialists into the educational process with such enterprises as the knitting factory ALTEX LLP, TK Textiline, a branch of AKhBK-Kargaly LLP, a chemical reading and dyeing factory in Almaty . Shymkent Melange JSC, SouthTextiline LLP, Taraz POSH Taraz Factory LLP.

The ALTEX company was founded in 1993, and for more than 20 years it has successfully occupied a leading position in the production of knitted products in Kazakhstan. During this time, enormous professional and intellectual experience has been accumulated, allowing us to produce a complex range of knitted products.

The assortment policy of ALTEX LLP is aimed at creating casual clothing that is convenient, comfortable and safe for all age categories of consumers and for all occasions. The priority direction of development is focusing on the tastes and needs of the consumer.

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