Educational programs

Currently, the department provides training according to one educational program 5B042100 – “Design”, according to two training trajectories – "Fashion Design" and "Graphic Design". Training is carried out on the basis of license No. 0137401, issued by the Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 02/03/2010 with a validity period – without limitation with the award of the academic degree of Bachelor of Arts.

The duration of training on the basis of secondary education is 5 years, on the basis of technical and vocational – 4 years. Bachelor's training is carried out on a full-time basis in the state and Russian languages. Since 2016, the Department of Design together with the European Institute of Design (Italy, Como), a memorandum of cooperation was signed, and there was also an agreement on a joint educational program. A joint curriculum designed for 5 years of study has been signed, in accordance with the State Educational Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the specialty “Design”.

ATU Partner – European Institute of Design (ALDO GALLI GROUP Academy of Fine Arts), is:
– a well-known network of international institutions offering professional higher education in the latest fields of fashion, visual arts, design and communications
– the largest research center, consulting well-known enterprises, universities and governments of different countries, called the “international creative laboratory”
– the presence of eminent students and graduates, such as Domenico Dolce (Dolce&Gabbana), Franco Moschino (Moschino), Alessandra Fachinetti (Todʼs), etc.

In the 2016-2017 academic year, a double-diploma education program was opened jointly by the Almaty Technological University and the Academy of Fine Arts named after. Aldo Galli (Italy, Como) specialty 5B042100 – "Design".

As part of further cooperation with the Academy of Fine Arts. ALDOGALLIGROUP On October 18, a round table was held with teaching staff from Italian partners (designer Andrea Tossi, Roberto Boltri, Carmine Barboro), as well as heads of structural units and teaching staff from ATU and students in the joint program.

In the 2017-2018 academic year, as part of cooperation with the Academy of Fine Arts. Aldo Galli (Italy, Como) together with KFW Astana held a presentation of the International Competition "Fashionforfuture 2018".

In the reporting year (October 2017), within the framework of the International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 60th anniversary of ATU, a representative of the Academy of Fine Arts. Aldo Galli (Ekaterina Antonova) had a meeting with teachers and students on SOP, where issues of teaching 3rd year students and living conditions in Italy were discussed.

In the second half of the year, within the framework of the International Competition of Young Designers and Fashion Designers “Zhas” Orken 2018" An interview was organized with 2nd year students on their proficiency in English and Italian. Students also presented creative portfolios and examination papers in the disciplines: “Design methodology and collection methodology”, “Drawing methodology. Chromatology", "Digital Applications for Visual Arts".

The dual system is being improved, and therefore, in order to orient future specialists to production activities, in April 2017, Almaty Technological University, together with the Beautiful Children of Kazakhstan Foundation, famous Kazakh designers and light industry enterprises of Kazakhstan, held the first International Competition of Young Fashion Designers "Steppeup", which opened up unique opportunities for young people from all regions of the country to prepare and submit their creative work to be judged by an authoritative jury.

The project began on December 1st by sending out questionnaires to everyone who wished to participate in the competition. The competition's Artistic Council then selected the 9 best collections from the 44 proposed by the participants. The Art Council selected not only beautiful, but also commercially successful collections. 4 ATU students, who were supervised by teachers from the Department of Design, made it to the finals. For the successful implementation of the project, the authors need not only an idea or concept, but also modern technology, therefore the selected collections were produced on the basis of large domestic enterprises: KazSPO-N Zibroo LLP, PKF Kazakhstan TextiLine LLP, Production Innovative LLP company "Yutarialtd".

Each finalist created a capsule collection under the mentorship of designers and constructors of Kazakh brandsSakena Zhaksybayeva (ZHSaken), Ayazhan Zhaksybay (AikaAlemi) and Aida Kaumenova (KaumeNOVA).

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